inspired by nature
infused with fun

At the Tree of Life yoga studio we provide a safe and comfortable refuge where you can relax, restore and reconnect with your own true nature as you move and stretch your body, mind and heart, all in an uplifting and life-affirming atmosphere.
At the Tree of Life yoga studio we provide a safe and comfortable refuge where you can relax, restore and reconnect with your own true nature as you move and stretch your body, mind and heart.
Our aim is to provide high quality yoga offerings taught by skilled practitioners and teachers, all in an uplifting and life-affirming atmosphere.
Join us
Learn how to join the Tree
and start feeling
" I do not understand the mystery of grace
only that it meets us where we are
and does not leave us where it found us. "
" I do not understand the mystery of grace only that it meets us where we are and does not leave us where it found us. "
- Anne Lamott
Our team

Our team of international highly skilled teachers provide a wide diversity of yoga styles and movement practices, from gentle to more physically demanding, to honour the needs of a diversity of students. Amongst our teachers we have Anusara® yoga and Hatha yoga teachers, a martial arts specialist and internationally active dancers from different backgrounds. We will be happy to help you find what suits you best!
"Yoga is fun at the Tree of life. You learn how to work your muscles, relax and connect to everyday life, all in a relaxing atmosphere. I feel reborn after a yoga session!"
- Marianne Bosman
"Discovering your classes both for us and for kids has been such a blessing. You are really fantastic!"
- Katrien Van Eetvelde
"I really enjoyed practicing yoga with you because you were so mindful and meticulous in your lessons, and the people you attract there are really great."
- Wendy Younkin
"My sons love kids yoga! It’s a pleasure to watch them imitate different animals and to see how proud they are to do things with their bodies which they couldn’t do before."
- Darja, mother of Tristan and Finn
"Courtenay haar enthousiasme motiveerde me nog meer en ik volgde haar naar de Tree of Life in de Nieuwstraat. Ik ben blij nog steeds te kunnen deelnemen aan de ‘yoga classes’, ook al mag het nu iets rustiger. Daarom geef ik de voorkeur aan ‘zachte yoga’."
- Ann Vanneste
"I love yoga!"
- Emma