Summer yoga camp – 3 day
Dates: 29-31 August
Cost: 105 euro (bring your own lunch)
Times: 09.30h-16.30h
Languages: EN and NL
Ages: 5-12 y
Summer Yoga Camp is so much FUN and we would love to have you join us!!
Each morning we begin with a fun-loving yoga practice, where we hiss like snakes, bark like dogs, stand tall like trees, imitating animals and plants and reconnecting to our own true nature. We engage our mind and senses with creative activities, like making friendship bracelets and meditation jars, learning how to draw our own mandalas, and tie-dying t-shirts.
Afternoons are spent exploring in the forest and nature sleuthing, playing games to build social and team-building skills, and enjoying being outdoors in the fresh air.
Each year I find that we do less, but enjoy more the feeling of being in the moment. We give kids time to be kids again, and explore and discover the inner joy that’s always there. I know we have succeeded when they stop asking “what’s next?”.
To register kindly email Courtenay to inquire about availability.
Then to confirm your child’s place, please transfer the appropriate amount to the TREE acct at:
BE64 0016 5863 7352
with mention of your child’s name(s) + dates of august camp.
Please know there is a 10% discount for 2nd child.
Once payment is received, your child’s place is secured.
Contact: Courtenay Willis at