Anusara Yoga Weekend with Jacalyn Prete

17-18 May, 2025


cost:  180 euro full weekend/ 95 euro per day (price includes lunch)


SATURDAY AM:  10-12u30

“Reach for the Stars: Upper body workshop to build strength and flexibility”
This more rigorous workshop includes backbends, arm balances and inversions. We will start the workshop by opening and strengthening the upper body, wrists, hands and shoulders. The students will learn self massage techniques using yoga balls on the shoulders and upper back to release tension around the neck shoulders and thoracic spine. This release of upper body tension and deep hip flexors will lead to more easeful and playful backbends. We will explore some simple arm balances including crow pose, handstand and forearm stand near a wall. This workshop builds stamina and courage to take a stand for what you really value in life. You will cultivate the heart quality to remain steadfast even in the face of self doubt and internal judgement. Come and Reach for the Stars!


SATURDAY PM:  14u30-17u00

“Empowering Graceful Aging: A Yoga Journey Towards Strength, Vitality, and Inner Harmony”
In this workshop we will focus on practices that improve balance and core strength. The practice starts on the floor opening and warming the hips and lower back. We strengthen the hamstrings, quads and pelvis while increasing mobility and strength of the feet, ankles and calves. Students learn to move with grace from pose to pose working on balance and transitions in standing pose sequences. Standing poses that build strength in your ankles and feet will help improve your balance and coordination as we transition between poses.

As we return to the floor for deep hip openers, squats, thigh stretches and seated poses we will learn self massage ball work to release tension from the spine, hips and calves. For those who need extra support we will provide chairs and the opportunity to stand near a wall. This workshop is designed to improve balance, coordination and integration of the deep corset muscles. We also use the wall as a tool to stabilize the pelvis in standing poses and seated poses.


SUNDAY AM:  10u00-12u30

“Planting the Seeds of Your Deepest Desires – A Yoga Therapeutics workshop”
This workshop will address injuries to hips and knees and feet, including Hip or Knee replacement surgery. The practice will include ball work to release tension in the feet and calves. We will practice doming exercise to build strength in your arches and feet that will prevent or heal knee and hip issues. Once the foundation of the feet are established we will work on opening the hips and strengthening and opening the quads, glutes, calves and hips. This work of grounding the lower chakras will help to release holding and tension in the lower body and help students with chronically held digestive issues ( constipation, gas, bloating…)

We will strengthen the outer hips, Illiopsoas, glutes, hip rotators, flexors and hamstrings to balance out the pelvis. We will end with seated poses and pranayama to move any of the toxins released during practice. The last 1/2 hour is a conversation on how to incorporate Intermittent Fasting; Circadian Rhythm to improve sleep and digestion and to align with the Dina Charya ( the daily rhythm).


SUNDAY PM:  14u30-16u30

“Satva:  A Restorative yoga workshop for deep relaxation”

“Satva” represents purity, harmony, and goodness. It is associated with qualities such as balance, clarity, wisdom, and tranquility. This 1.5 hour workshop will incorporate pranayama, restorative yoga poses, chanting and meditation to move into a deeply relaxed state. We will incorporate yoga nidra and venture into the blissful realms of our deepest Essence.



Jacalyn Prete, Certified Anusara Yoga Teacher, lives and teaches in New York City. Jacalyn’s yoga journey began in 1981 when her brother introduced her to a famous Guru at an ashram upstate. This event launched a new direction in her life that eventually led her to the Anusara yoga community and the World Yoga Center.  It was through the Anusara practice and community connection that her dreams became real. She became a Certified Anusara® Yoga Instructor in 2001, a Licensed Certified Yoga Health Coach in 2015 and served as Co-Founder and Former Director of Certification for the Anusara School of Hatha Yoga.  By combining the two elements of yoga and health coaching, Jacalyn realized that all of these amazing communities were aligned with her own swadharma (true path) – to bring more light and vibrant health to the world! She has been helping students find their light and vibrancy ever since.



REGISTER: online via our mindbody scheduler (please register under Adult Workshops, not as a Class), accessible via our website

PAYMENT: Please pay by bank transfer to the TREE of Life acct. BE 64 0016 5863 7352 with mention of your name + Jackie Prete Workshop. The full weekend is 170 euro/ day price 90 euro.  Your place is secure once payment is received.

PROVIDED:   You’re welcome to bring your yoga mat but blankets, blocks, straps are provided.  A light lunch with dessert is included in the price of the workshop. Space is limited so book your place fast to assure your place.

For more info, contact Courtenay at


27 - 28 Apr 2024


10:00 - 17:00


180.00 €




Tree of Life yoga studio
Nieuwstraat 7, Tervuren