Discovering Ayurveda with Robert Neumann
Sunday, 27 November
In this introduction to Ayurveda, Robert will explain the basis for this unique science of Life and its vision of the world. Also included in this session will be very practical information that can help you stay balanced during the changing seasons:
*The three doshas (ayurvedic constitutions applied to humanity) and the 20 gunas (qualities contained in any substance).
*How Ayurveda helps us to go through the seasons and how to prepare for winter and specifically the end of the year.
*How to deal with manas (the mind) in order to enhance consciousness.
Before coming to the workshop, you can click on this link to determine your dosha, or Ayurvedic constitution.
Robert lives in Brussels with his son, daughter, numerous pets and works in corporate sales and marketing. He has been studying Ayurveda since 2018 at YAH asbl in Dilbeek with John Marchand to become an Ayurvedic Practioner at the beginning of 2023. He’s also training to be a health coach with Cate Stillman at yogahealer.com and is mentoring in the Living Ayurveda course there.
Kindly register online using the mind body scheduler under Adult Workshops to hold your place! Even though the session is Free, it helps us to know to expect you.
We welcome you to bring your joyful self!