Alexandra Verschuuren

Alexandra has been fascinated by the human body for as long as she can remember. At a young age she spent countless hours hanging upside down, imitating gymnasts on tv, dancing around in the garden and doing yoga with her mother. Born in the US, she moved to Belgium where she studied contemporary dance at de! Kunsthumaniora Hedendaagse Dans and dance and choreography and ArtEZ Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in The Netherlands. She worked for various choreographers and performed in festivals and competitions in Europe with Strange Strangers as co-founder, choreographer, and dancer of the organization.
Over time she felt a need to explore the body in ways other than she had been educated. She had various exposures to yoga, specifically Anusara® yoga, and other movement practices, through Courtenay and workshops at Tree of Life. This led her to understand more about awareness within a movement practice. Ever since, she has been self-studying awareness and human behavior and felt an urge share her insights with others, which led her to teaching. As a teacher, she hopes to spark curiosity, encourage dialogue and build a sense of responsibility within her students.